Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Reviewed: Seven Secrets of Vishnu

Title:  Seven Secrets of Vishnu
Author: Devdutt Pattanaik

We always thing Mythology is nothing but stories for entertainment or to serve a divine purpose. Usually we take all these stories and anecdotes as a proof that divine exists and we should bow our head to the supreme God.

I am not going to go ahead and debate these beliefs, rather would like to draw attention to this wonderful book which elegantly shows how these stories, which we are hearing since childhood, are much more than what we understand. It clearly demonstrates how these stories have so many metamorphic messages and actually try to add to our wisdom.

These stories doesn't tell us what is right or wrong, rather everything is divine and part of the world around us. These are not meant to preach any religion but serve as a guide for an individual's behaviour in day to day life.

Seven secrets of Vishnu chronicles the seven Avatars/ Incarnations of Lord Vishnu on earth. It explains why a particular incarnation preceded other. It draws the attention of the reader to the anthropological and metaphysical meanings hidden in such stories. Each chapter entertains you while imparting timeless wisdom.

In a nutshell, the Seven secrets of Vishnu teaches us the lessons of how and why to balance everything in life, how and why to open our minds and life to let other people, other ideologies in and how and why to discard any old customs and rules in the new context.

This is one of the brilliant reads. I'll strongly believe that after reading this with an open mind any individual will benefit by gaining the wisdom that Devdutt Pattanaik has brought out for us.

Please don't think it is a "HINDU" book and tries to preach "HINDU" religion. The wisdom in this and Devdutt Pattanaik's other books is more than what our religions can teach us.

Closing of with few lines from this and other Devdutt Pattanaik's books, which have become my life mantra.

 "Within infinite myths, lies eternal Truth.
Who sees it all,
Varuna has a thousand eyes,
Indra , a hundred,
You and me ,only two."

Excellence Meter—  5 / 5 – Excellent Read

Digvijay Anand :)

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